Tag: Caregiving

  • Caregiving Overseas

    Many family caregivers come home to Hawai‘i to assist aging parents. But how about caregiving overseas? When my mother died, Dad was 93 and slipping into dementia. His younger brother had retired to the Philippines, with his wife and insisted on providing care for his older brother, who had done so much for his family.

  • FUN ’N GAMES: Think Outside The Box

    How does one keep the interest of the elderly? It can be challenging. Nature walks, painting, board games, puzzles, word and picture games are among the typical activities of the elderly.

  • Caregiver Challenges & Solutions – Week 3

    Have you had a discussion with your family of your long term care needs? Join the conversation by leaving a comment, question or personal opinion!

  • Caregiver Challenges & Solutions – Week 2

    How will you pay for your long term care needs? Join the conversation by leaving a comment, question or personal opinion!

  • A New Style of Caregiving

    The term “millennial” typically evokes certain images in our minds. Born between 1985 and 2004, millennials have been labeled the “Me Generation,” “Me, Me, Me Generation,” “Peter Pan Generation” and “Boomerang Generation.” These are far from complimentary. Aside from reflecting re-verse ageism, such stereotypes divert attention from this generation’s unique potential for kūpuna care. Millennials…

  • Caregiver Challenges & Solutions

    Who will take care of you when you can’t take care of yourself? Join the conversation by leaving a comment, question or personal opinion!

  • Living in a Community of Caring

    Ever think about growing old? Even when we become caregivers for aging loved ones, or start to feel pain in our joints, or experience the “where did I leave my keys?” and “what was I gonna say?” moments, we may still not attribute them to aging.

  • Caregivers Role

    Little is known of caregivers within our community who provide care to aged and disabled individuals under the Community Care Foster Family Home Program. In fact, at times there is a certain undeserved stigma attached to the profession. So what is the role of Adult Foster caregivers? And why should we trust them with our…

  • How to Hire a Caregiver

    If you are hiring a caregiver for yourself or another loved one, you may be tempted to try to make the process as simple as possible by treating the caregiver as a “private contractor.” You tell the person, “I will pay you so much an hour, and you deal with the IRS and the State…

  • Tips: Five Hints for Caregivers

    While some people receive care from paid professionals, more are relying on the unselfish assistance of families, friends, and neighbors. The stress, exhaustion and extreme emotions faced by caregivers can be overwhelming. Following are some hints for those facing this situation: 1. Physical Place a high priority on taking care of yourself, as caregivers often…