Senior Foodbox Program: Good & Healthy

What if there was an easy, affordable way to get necessary nutrients for good health, without having to figure it all out yourself? Hawaii FoodBank on O‘ahu is taking applications for the Senior FoodBox Program, an ongoing supplemental food program in addition to the current Hawai‘i FoodBank food voucher program. Each Senior FoodBox provides about 32 pounds of nutritious USDA foods, including canned meats, fish, juice, peanut butter, beans, nonfat milk, and ready-to-eat cereal. This federal Commodity Supplemental Food Program is managed by the Hawai‘i State Office of Community Services and distributed monthly at nine Hawaii Foodbank locations.

O‘ahu Senior FoodBox Program Locations:

  • Kokua Kalihi Valley Elderly Services — Kalihi: 1846 Gulick Avenue, Kuhio Park Terrace Community Center
  • Hale Ola Ho’opakolea — Nanakuli: 89-137 Nanakuli Avenue
  • Dynamic Compassion — Waimanalo: Waimanalo District Park, 41-415 Hihimanu St.
  • Sts. Peter & Paul Church — Honolulu: 800 Kaheka Street (across Don Quijote)
  • Waipahu United Church of Christ — Waipahu: 94-330 Mokuola Street
  • Once A Month Church — Haleiwa: 66-434 Kamehameha Hwy.
  • St. Jude Catholic Church — Kapolei: 92-455 Makakilo Drive
  • Sacred Hearts Church — Waianae: 85-786 Old Government Road


  • You must complete an application every year and re-certify after six months. Applications are accepted at any time. Once maximum caseload of 2400 seniors is met, a continuous waitlist will be maintained at each site.
  • You must be at least 60 years of age and show a photo ID confirming age and residence on Oahu.
  • Your gross income must be at or below 130 percent of Federal Poverty Income Level (FPIL)

How it Works:

  • Apply at your nearest FoodBox location. You must pick-up your monthly FoodBox from the same site where you applied.
  • Because the boxes are heavy (32 lbs), participants are highly encouraged to bring their own carts with wheels in order to pick up the food, or assign a proxy to pick up the box for you.
  • After six months, you will be asked to re-certify your qualifications in order to continue the program for the remaining six months of the year.

Hawaii Foodbank
2611 Kilihau St., Honolulu, HI 96819
808-836-3600 x 238 |
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One response to “Senior Foodbox Program: Good & Healthy”

  1. Noni Cummings Avatar
    Noni Cummings

    Thankyou for your hard work God bless

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