Protect Your Data!

by Christopher Duque, Cybercrime Investigator. DPA

Computer users can get “victimized” online simply because they don’t spend enough time keeping their devices up to speed. Hackers are able to compromise our devices daily if we don’t update the software on our computers, tablets and cellphones.

So, do the following on a daily basis:

◆ Update your operating system (OS). Schedule automatic updates and update manually, as well.

◆ Update your security programs and apps —
especially those used for malware and virus detection. Malicious malware and viruses are created and released on the internet daily.

◆ Users should also scan their devices regularly to see if they have been infected. Do not just quarantine, but delete them completely.

◆ Also, read the instructions of the security programs and applications you use. Do not simply rely on their default settings, which may be not be enough for your devices and uses.

◆ Lastly, back up your data! Users can mistakenly delete photos, documents, messages and emails, which can’t be recovered without a backup. Save data to a USB drive, CD, DVD, The Cloud or another remote location.

Backing up your data on a regular basis is your only insurance policy when “bad things happen.” Backing up your data makes recovery much faster, easier and more successful.

1060 Richards St., Honolulu HI 96813

808-768-7400  |  Office hrs: Mon – Fri, 7:45 am – 4:30 pm


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