Message from the Editor – Oct / Nov 2012

Linda Coble and Percy Ihara - Generations Magazine - October-November 2012This fall, I hope you will exercise your right as an American to vote on November 6th. Generations Magazine has Linda Coble to thank for our flag-waving cover story, as she is one of my favorite ladies, community leaders, and I am honored to call her my friend. We’d also like to thank Principal Shannon Goo of Lincoln Elementary School for allowing us to shoot the magazine’s cover on campus, as my son Zachary and his schoolmates had a blast. If you need some inspiration to vote this year (or general voting information), turn to our cover story, Make Your Voice Count.

With this year’s Senior Fair just finishing, it reminds me of all the great agencies and non-profit companies we have in Hawai‘i that support our ku¯ puna. My hats off to companies such as Project Dana, the Caregiver Foundation of America, Catholic Charities and government agencies like the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Senior Companion program and Sage PLUS.

As with the past two Senior Fair’s, Generations Magazine handed out magazines and took the opportunity to talk with our readers. We also conducted our annual reader survey. We thank all those who shared comments, as we received plenty: “Great. Very Informative — Right On — Very Educational — Great Magazine! — Bright Future — Great Advice — I love the magazines — Read them faithfully — Enjoy your magazine!!! My daughter (CPA) reads it also to share info with her clients — Very good items — Great, super, informative — Please continue this wonderful service.”

We literally had several hundred readers complete our survey that automatically entered them for a free subscription drawing. We drew five winners to receive a year’s free subscription of Generations Magazine. The winners were Sandra Isokane of Honolulu, Connie Hovland of ‘Ewa Beach, W. Nemoto of Kailua, Carol Williams of Wai‘anae, and Florence Wong of Honolulu. Thank you to everyone for visiting our booth at the Senior Fair.

We enter this fall season with Medicare on our minds. Take your time to get all the information you need to make an educated decision. Each year the Executive Office on Aging’s Sage PLUS program provides wonderful information and volunteers to answer all your questions (see story on page 20).

Lastly, this is flu season so make sure you received your shots, eat healthy and exercise regularly. For a healthy, flu-fighting soup recipe, turn to page 25. For more information on flu shots, turn to page 24.

Live Well,
Generations - 2014-12-01 - Editors Note - Image 01
Percy Ihara, Editor / Publisher
808-368-6747 |


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