Life In Focus

This article will start with the ending results … “everything is so beautiful.” I recently underwent cataract, astigmatism and lasik eye surgeries. I never realized that what I was seeing was not how things actually appear to others. My eye doctor has been monitoring me for a few years and told me when it was time for eye surgery.It was a given that my surgeon had to be experienced, reputable and highly recommended by people I know. I put my trust in a doctor who was a pioneer in lasik surgery, and I’m glad I did.

Preparing for the surgery was very easy, except I could not wear mascara from three days before surgery and four weeks after. The only no-no for the day of surgery for each eye was “no driving and no making any decisions.” That was hard to do because my eyesight was so clear, crisp and 20/20 on the day of my second eye surgery. The only treatment I had after the surgery was eyedrops. I received a chart that I taped to my bathroom wall to check-off which eye drop was put in which eye… and the color of the eye drop cap matched the color on the chart. That was helpful.

I appreciated the staff’s attention and thoroughness. They walked me through the whole process, saying, “Sherry, you’ll see a great light show.” I was never in any pain, I was awake, it took only about 15 minutes and I saw “life in focus” as soon as I walked out the surgery room.

Generations Magazine- Life In Focus - Image 01
Dr. Jenkins, Sherry and Mimi


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