How to Write Your Memoir

how-to-write-your-memoir-1Everyone has a story to tell. And what better way to leave a legacy, and pass down family values and traditions than through your own words, in your very own book that can be passed down through the generations, inspiring legacies to come.

But getting started can be a daunting task. Staring at that blank page or computer screen can be an unnerving experience. Where to begin?

Writing the Hawai‘i Memoir: Advice and Exercises to Help You Tell Your Story by international bestselling author and writing instructor Darien Gee can help guide you from start to finish.

The book describes how to begin, what to do and how to do it with the aid of 29 writing exercises along with writing tips and inspiration from more than 20 of Hawai‘i’s best-known writers, teachers and storytellers.

Through this awardwinning how-to book, budding writers can learn tips to recall and organize life events into a story, discover life themes, overcome writer’s block, assess the “warts and all” aspects of storytelling, keep motivated and how to choose the best way to publish or share the finished memoir.

If your story is still waiting to be told, this book just may hold the key to unlocking your writer’s block, so you can share yourself — your story — with future generations.


Available at
($14.95 for softcover, prices may vary)


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