How to Be a Positive Communicator

photo of a happy family

If you feel some tension in your relationships, you are not alone. So do your part at home to protect loved
ones’ feelings and emotions.

Keys to Successful Communication

• Rotate chores and praise each person for doing a slam dunk job.
• LOL — Listen out loud to each other and avoid making comments.
• Use connecting conversations to soothe feelings by cutting out criticism, pushy words and rolling your eyes.
• Remember, your kūpuna may be confused, so speak slowly, smile and give hand massages.
• Introduce fun games and interactions. Kūpuna can become feisty competitors during bean bag toss and balloon volleyball.

Pivot Negativity to Positivity

–  I can’t pay my bills. (resignation)
I’ll apply for assistance. (hopeful)
–  I’m trapped at home! (anger)
+  So I have more time for fun! (fun)
  I can’t go out and eat. (helpless)
+  Let’s order takeout! (a good solution)
  Why now? Why me? (victim)
+  I’m grateful I’m in good health. (appreciation)

What seem like bitter trials are sometimes blessings in disguise. Practicing an attitude of gratitude can make all the difference.

2383 Beckwith St., Honolulu, HI 96822
808-372-3478 |


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