Hooked On “Seniors Living In Paradise” Show

George Yoshida and Dereck Kurisu — two guys seniors invite into their homes every day.
George Yoshida and Dereck Kurisu — two guys seniors invite into their homes every day.

“Seniors Living in Paradise” one-hour show on Oceanic Cable TV is a phenom — re-running twice a day in prime time all month, and cut into short Youtubes for the online world. Some seniors watch it nightly to bring sound, laughter, and company into their homes. “I can’t believe how many people in Hawai‘i and on the mainland watch this show!” says Hawai‘i County Mayor Billy Kenoi. “Tune in and you’ll be hooked.”

It’s a series of upbeat, homespun vignettes featuring seniors, kids and families doing what communities do. For 60 minutes we follow show host George Yoshida, a jovial tutu man who “knows everybody’s auntie,” from one happy activity to another. The program bumps along like a Sunday drive, with something for everyone: banter of personal interviews, community activities, family parties, information for seniors, cooking demonstrations, and kids of all ages and ethnic groups — interacting with seniors. Local style music and Yoshida’s “everything is beautiful” attitude keep viewers engaged and coming back for more.

“I think we deliver a lot of information — we recognize many talents, achievments and values that our kupuna pass on to the keiki. We want folks who are not able to get out to see good things happening in our communities on the Big Island. They get enough upsetting news — we bring them fun, hope, and plenty to smile about.”

Volunteer host Yoshida started out as a high school teacher and coach before joining the Hawai‘i County Department of Parks and Recreation, their Elder Activities Division. He created Kupuna Hula and Seniors Softball. George is happiest devoting his time, cheerfully showing the world what happy seniors and their families are up to. He didn’t count on becoming a senior superstar, but things happen.

Kurisu is in demand too, as an inspirational public speaker on “plantation values:” norms, values, attitudes and work ethic that plantation workers practiced to get along with one another and share in the benefits of plantation camps communities like Hakalau, where he grew up. Now he teaches younger generations these same values, so they can be successful too. He creates respect and brings the generations closer together.

As Vice President of KTA Superstores, Derek is a business superman, disquised as a kua‘aina farmer who leads a never-ending battle in helping seniors enjoy a better life, and create public/private collaborations that grow KTA Superstores brand in the process. Seniors win big with: The annual Old American Luncheon, monthly cooking demonstration at senior centers and Mountain Apple Brand, KTA’s private label plant that employs many seniors.

These “Seniors Living in Paradise” guys are going to hook you too!


Living in Paradise: Oceanic Time Warner Cable channel 27
Seniors Living in Paradise
Mon. – Fri.: 6:00 am – 7:00 am | Daily: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Primetime Living in Paradise
Daily: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm, 12:00 am–1:00 pm
Watch recent Youtube episodes online: www.ktasuperstores.com/living-in-paradise-show