Having a Purpose in the Community

Photo of Logos Bookstore When people hear that I manage a Christian bookstore at age 70, they think I’m crazy — or a religious fanatic. I assure you, I’m neither (but don’t ask my wife!). In light of large stores closing and the Barnes and Noble chain struggling to survive; and when Amazon has changed shoppers’ expectations, why do I think we can still run a brick-and-mortar bookstore — and a Christian one at that?

The answer goes beyond dollars and convenience. The store began as a vision through people involved with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (a university campus ministry). It’s about helping to create a community and a network of care for the people who come into our store. The ministry was to “be” God’s word in the marketplace as a business. The store’s name, Logos, actually means “word” in the Greek language.

The model was to provide a full-service bookstore with an ecumenical selection of books and Bibles, from conservative to liberal. The unique approach to the bookstore was to also appeal to non-church or non-religious customers. Our merchandise, customer service and even our atmosphere were the building blocks for starting new relationships.

Through our books and resources, we hope people will find answers regarding important topics, from “the meaning of life or faith” to more down-to-earth issues: marital problems; aging and Alzheimer’s; how to help someone going through cancer treatment; how to deal with anger, illness and death; what it means to be a Christian.

Our mission is to help our customers grow in mind and spirit.

Because of that purpose, I’m glad to be running this humble bookstore and serving the needs of my island community.

760 Halekauwila St., Ste A, Honolulu, HI 96813-5344
808-596-8890 | Neighbor Islands: 800-303-1533
Store Hours:
Mon – Wed: 9:30 am – 6 pm
Thurs – Sat: 9:30 am – 7 pm


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