Category: February – March 2021

  • KTA Super Stores: Beyond the Bottom Line

    KTA Super Stores: Beyond the Bottom Line

    KTA Super Stores began and continues to operate by honoring the partnerships built by previous generations. These principles and values continue today from the founders as the basis of the development and growth of KTA’s business model and its relationships with its partners, customers, staff and each other.

  • Avoid Family Disputes About Real Estate

    Sadly, some families fight over real estate after their parents have passed away. Although a trust protects against probate, there are other issues that may arise. Problems can develop between siblings due to unanticipated decisions that must be made, causing differences of opinion.

  • Spring Decluttering After the Holidays

    Now that the holidays are over and we are settling in the new year, it’s is a good time to do a “Spring De-Cluttering.” Spring decluttering is similar to spring cleaning, but instead of dusting and cleaning the windows, you will instead do some quick removal of unnecessary items.

  • A Second Chance at Love

    Sharon Young and Jim Nishimoto first met in 1989. They were in their 40s, working together at Group 70 International Inc., a local planning and architectural firm. Sharon was a single mom with three children. Jim was happily married to Gail and the father of two children. Sharon was widowed at the young age of…

  • Green Point Nurseries: A Growing Business on the Big Island

    Harold Tanouye started the beginnings of Green Point Nurseries in 1957, when Hilo’s economy had not yet recovered from the impacts of WWII. Residents were moving away due to lack of work. Harold wanted to live in his hometown, but needed employment. He recognized a demand for anthuriums, which military personnel and civilians were sending…

  • Vaccination – A Lesson from the Past

    When the vaccine for COVID-19 is finally available, the decision to get inoculated will depend on where trust lies. When the doctor recommends a vaccine, will folks get it? The term “inoculation” was used as early as the year 1000 AD, when Chinese doctors were trying to eradicate smallpox. Their method involved grinding up smallpox…

  • A 91-Year-Old Advocate of Healthy Living

    Hawai‘i is fortunate to have many people living well into their 90s and even 100s. Toyoko Nishiki, a 91-year-old woman, is one of the most active we have met.

  • Your Body, Your BFF

    Your body is always talking to you, and you, maybe without realizing it, are often talking to your body. For the most part, you usually respond to your body when you are hungry, sleepy or itchy… Sometimes you might get angry at it for not looking how you wish it would, or complain about the…

  • Help! I Can’t Find My Credit Card!

    Becoming a victim of credit card fraud is likely to happen to us all. We may lose our credit card (or debit card) and the finder may make unauthorized purchases. Or somehow, an online fraudster obtained our credit card information and has made unauthorized online purchases. So what do you do when that happens?

  • Mental Health During COVID-19

    As a mental health professional for 45 years, I am increasingly concerned about the welfare of our most vulnerable populations since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since it began in February, approximately 54 percent of older adults surveyed reported increased loneliness, and associated depression and anxiety.