Category: Editorial

  • Aloha & Mahalo

    Those who know retired Sen. Susie Chun Oakland are well aware of her passion for Hawai‘i’s ku¯ puna. As an original co-founder of the Ku¯ puna Caucus in early 2016, she served as lead facilitator of caucus meetings held at the State Capitol on the first Friday of every month. Participants in the caucus include…

  • Yay for Online Religion!

    Sometimes as people age, their routines limit their physical ability to attend worship services. This is a significant transition in life for those who have formed their religious practice and social connections at a particular place. The look and sound of one’s house of worship, and the rituals and people encountered in that spiritual setting…

  • Long-Term Care: Where is it Heading?

    The future of long-term care in Hawai‘i has long been the focus of my attention. The problems facing us and suggested reforms were carefully assessed by the Hawai‘i Long-Term Care Commission five years ago. The 2012 “Long-Term Care Reform in Hawai‘i” report gives a good overview of what we all face: “The long-term care system…

  • A Triple Force for Hawai‘i’s Seniors

    There are many organizations that serve Hawai‘i’s seniors and their families, but maybe none like the Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society (HPGS). This nonprofit organization was founded in 1979 to improve the quality of life of Hawai‘i’s older adults by promoting the understanding of the aging process, supportive services, and legislation that helps people age with…

  • Sharing Values

    The lyrics of the Crosby, Stills and Nash song Teach Your Children advise parents and children to share their differing dreams and forgive one another because we are unable to grasp what the other goes through. Each verse ends, “just look at them and sigh and know they love you.” Those who study religion in…

  • Memories Still Flow

    Memories Still Flow by Sherry Goya from the June-May 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Aging With Grace

    Aging With Grace by Rev. Jayne Ryan Kuroiwa from the June-May 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • The Honor Was Mine

    When I was invited to the Emeritus Senior Club’s Annual Luncheon in January as their special guest, I was the one who was honored to be there. How great is it to have a senior club that supports Emeritus College at the Honolulu Community College (HCC) where senior students are learning new skills. Generations Magazine® featured…

  • Our Contributors

    Generations Magazine calls upon Hawai‘i’s experts — from financial and legal advisors to health care professionals and noted chefs — to produce informative and meaningful resources for our local seniors and their families. We are grateful for their contributions. MIGUEL GONZALEZ, President, Catalyst Factor Agency Public Relations, is a former newspaper reporter with the Los…

  • Message From The Editor

    Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias that affect us in our later years can be especially troubling. I believe we fear that dementia will squash our independence and make it impossible to multitask — an activity based heavily on recent memory. Maybe we fear that the future will not have a role for “elders.” In past…

  • Went Holoholo Around Town

    Two great events drew crowds to downtown Honolulu and Percy and I were happy we were able to get in on the fun. Dec. 4th, the Department of Parks and Recreation’s annual “Outstanding Senior Recognition Program” is an event that Generations Magazine loves to attend. That’s where the outstanding seniors from their various programs throughout…

  • Where Aloha Begins

    Senior health and wellness fairs are held on all islands to promote education, entertainment, food and fun. It was my honor to be a VIP at the Helemano Plantation’s Moon Festival Country Fair in Wahiawa on Sept. 17. I met the founder, president and CEO, Susanna Cheung, learned about her background, and felt her passion…