Category: Cover Story

  • Baby Boomers Face the Challenge

    Baby Boomers Face the Challenge

      Baby Boomers who have built successful careers and investments for the future are now experiencing the physical, emotional and financial outcomes of caring for their aging parents, while they meet the expense of college or support for adult children who choose to live at home. Boomers who did not plan ahead or who lost…

  • Disaster. Red Cross. You. Coralie Matayoshi wants to insure PREPAREDNESS… with the help of volunteers.

    Disaster. Red Cross. You. Coralie Matayoshi wants to insure PREPAREDNESS… with the help of volunteers.

      The face of the Hawaii Red Cross is its CEO, Coralie Chun Matayoshi. Like Red Cross founder, Clara Barton, Coralie can’t do everything by herself. She must inspire and lead thousands of volunteers to deliver humanitarian aid to all of us—whenever disaster strikes. At the same time that police and fire first responders are…

  • Dr. Joe W.C. Young, Mayor of Chinatown: Wishing Progress in 2015

    Dr. Joe W.C. Young, Mayor of Chinatown: Wishing Progress in 2015

      Behind the ornate gates of Chinatown on South King and River Streets, fruit stand merchants, restaurants, art galleries, importers and cultural organizations are ready for Chinese New Year. Shops offer tantalizing specialty foods for the holiday. Chinese calligraphy wall hangings, lanterns and T-shirts call out wishes for good health, prosperity and happiness. Dr. Joseph W.C.…

  • Manoa Heritage Center: For Sam and Mary Cooke, Malama ‘Aina is the “Right Thing To Do.”

    Manoa Heritage Center: For Sam and Mary Cooke, Malama ‘Aina is the “Right Thing To Do.”

      Manoa Heritage Center in Manoa Valley is a non-profit organization founded by Sam and Mary Cooke to preserve and share with our community an ancient Hawaiian worshipping site that is located on their property. We were invited to visit the center and meet these gracious people who have devoted much of their lives to…

  • Evacuation Outreach As Lava Flows Toward Pahoa Town

    Evacuation Outreach As Lava Flows Toward Pahoa Town

    Generations Magazine staff was invited to join a team of community volunteers on an evacuation outreach mission to Puna seniors living in the path of Kilauea’s latest lava flow. In past centuries streams of lava obliterated Puna farms and Kalapana Village, but most years, fertile soils and clear, ocean breezes make this region a nice…

  • Grassroots Wisdom: Plantation Values Inspires Alan Parker of ADRC Hawai’i

    Grassroots Wisdom: Plantation Values Inspires Alan Parker of ADRC Hawai’i

    HCOA has a simple process for delivering services to the elderly: when seniors voice a problem, Alan and his staff listen. That’s it. Hawai‘i Island citizens start their own grassroots initiatives and mobilize resources to solve it.

  • Aloha Spoken Here: Bill Boyd at the Cal

    Aloha Spoken Here: Bill Boyd at the Cal

    In the middle of a sprawling desert town, Aloha blooms. It is spoken at the guest check-in with each new arrival, served at the café with each fragrant dish of oxtail soup, and spread through the gifted efforts of the employees.

  • Privileges & Duties: Retired Chief Justice Ronald Moon Calls America to the Bench

    Privileges & Duties: Retired Chief Justice Ronald Moon Calls America to the Bench

    Before retiring in 2010, Moon—an attorney for 16 years and judge for 28— put the “law of the land” to work for more than 40 years. As judge, he says he was proud to support the interests of his state and country, and witness hundreds of citizens perform their civic duty as jury members within…

  • From Insight to Action Barbara Kim Stanton – How personal tragedy helps AARP’s director form state policy

    From Insight to Action Barbara Kim Stanton – How personal tragedy helps AARP’s director form state policy

    In a split second your life can change dramatically,” says Barbara Kim Stanton, AARP Hawai‘i state director, of a lifethreatening pedestrian crash in 2003. The accident left her with multiple fractures, requiring extensive rehabilitation and a six-month recovery at home. The debilitating incident provided her with unique insight into what it must be like for…

  • Frank B. Shaner

    Frank B. Shaner

    With a desire to express himself, comedian and media personality Frank B. Shaner moves from the mic to paint palette. Toward the end of 2011, popular radio personality Frank B. Shaner did his last stint as host of the morning show on KUMU radio. After seven years, his contract was not renewed. At the time,…