Beyond the World of Full-Time Jobs

Over 30 percent of the people who work don’t have full-time jobs. In a few years, that will increase to almost 50 percent.

Working even one day a week will provide psycho-social advantages to an engaged senior.

There are plenty of options. Here are just a few:

Pet sitting. Learn more at This is a fast-growing business as residents travel and vacation on the mainland and elsewhere.

Caretaking and caregiving of the old, the young and the challenged. Learn more at and by doing further research.

Tourism and hospitality. There are options that do not require standing for eight hours a day. Some of these options may even include working from home; for example, proposal writing to prospective buyers and/or website maintenance.

Grant writers. Grant writing is an in-demand skill and talent and a viable option if you are already a capable writer. Look for free, easy classes at a community college.

Board members and paid/unpaid mentors. Membership and mentoring are sometimes seen as voluntary missions. But often, there are gratuities offered. Go to

Health and life coaches. These skill- and knowledge-based options are in high demand for struggling youth and older populations. The rewards may often be financial, but always meaningful. For ideas, go to

Adjuncts and subject matter experts. More than half of U.S. university/college faculty are adjuncts. They are compensated and doing something that matters. Subject matter experts are adjuncts in the private, nonprofit and public sectors who offer unique value.

Interim professionals. Organizations now engage interim professionals as an integral part of their staffing management plans as a key to maintaining a flexible and nimble workforce.

Stipend workers are paid a flat sum for work done on behalf of an organization in any sector. There are strict rules governing stipend pay but they are worth exploring. Explore your options.

Carleen MacKay 916-316-0143 |
Contact Carleen via her website and receive New Ways to Work, a free PDF book co-written with Phyllis Horner.


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