A Place Called Home

Aging is a natural process that no one wants to face alone. Many people choose to live alone in their home as they age, but find themselves depressed, lonely and not eating right. There are many benefits to living in a retirement community. Ever wake up and: Wonder what you’re going to do for the day? Not eat a healthy meal because you don’t want to travel to the grocery store? Feel sick and don’t want to get out of bed?

Do you miss social encounters? Have you ever fallen and could not get to the phone to call for help? I like to think of a retirement community as a group of friends enjoying what they deserve in life, including laughter, entertainment, quality meals, carefree living and an extended family that cares about your well-being.

Today, an increasing number of families are turning to retirement communities for their aging loved ones. Living in a retirement community, you can experience vibrant and beautiful living spaces that promote wellness, recreation, socialization and healthy choices, not to mention the feeling of having additional services as you age.

When family members visit their loved ones in a retirement community, they’ll often find them exercising in the pool, arranging tropical floral bouquets, laughing with old and new friends, volunteering in the community thrift store or gardening. The best part, however, is knowing that your Mom or Dad has physical and emotional support in a safe environment with well-trained staff.

As we know, being active is one of the best ways to maintain good overall health. Many retirement communities offer wellness programs with a variety of fitness levels to set the pace you desire. You may be thinking, “What type of wellness programs?” Consider classes in tai chi, yoga, hula, water fitness exercises and strength and balance exercises. It’s important to find a community that meets your needs and your interests.

You might have to downsize your current home, but there are specialists who can help you find the right pieces to bring with you as you move into a retirement community. You will be surrounded by the things you love in life to make your new home feel special.


Contact: John Gruhler III  |  808-236-7835


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