Healthy Habits of a Centenarian

Yukiko Murata, who will turn 102 in March, has a sharp wit and sunny outlook on life. To stay healthy, she eats fresh foods, takes classes at the University of Hawai‘i and plays hanafuda (Japanese card game) every Thursday at the Lanakila Senior Center, together with her daughter, Joanne Murata, and son-in-law, James Kramer. Yukiko shared advice with Generations Magazine:

What’s your secret to a long life?

I laugh too much. It just comes naturally to me. Every day is another day. Today and tomorrow might be another day. It may be good or bad. You don’t know. Every day is something you look forward to, and I think I enjoy that. I’m 101. Next thing you know, I’m going to be 102.

What are your healthy habits?

I eat anything, but I don’t eat too much sugar. I don’t get a mai tai. I say, don’t drink orange juice from a can. Eat a fresh orange. It’s juicy.

What advice do you have for younger generations?

Be kind to everybody. You have to be forceful, too, because times are different. Take the time to teach your children. Take the time to be a lifelong learner. Whatever you learn is for your own good. You’ll be happy, really happy.

What are your goals for 2018?

I’m going to Vegas! If somebody says, ‘Hey Mom, you’re going to go to Vegas,’ you’re not going to say, ‘What?’ You’ll say, ‘Let’s go next week.’ I’m really lucky, health-wise. I never use a cane, yet. I can walk. I catch The Bus, walk UH campus and go to class. (Agriculture and gardening classes). It’s a good feeling. The younger students call me Grandma.


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