Message from the Editor – Oct/Nov 2011

One year and counting…

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been one year since we revived Generations Magazine and brought it back for you­—our readers. Our goal continues to be to publish a resource magazine that is of great value to you, your families and friends. Please continue to share each issue with your neighbors and relatives, as everywhere I go I get requests for more copies. I know we are appreciated when we receive new subscribers each month—thank you.

In celebration of our first anniversary, we want to share a few happenings with you. First, by the time this issue is published, we will have a totally new Web site. Please visit us at Secondly, we will restart our Generations Magazine radio show on Oct 25th. On KNDI channel AM 1270, we will air “live” every Tuesday and Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m. The radio show is partnering with the state’s Executive Office on Aging and other county agencies to air important news and events. We will also have special guests, so tune in and call in with your questions.

As we wrap up this issue, I’d like to send out two big special mahalos to the magazine’s art director Wilson Angel and editorial consultant Aimee Harris. Without their hard work and diligence, Generations Magazine would not be the resource magazine that it is today. Thanks also go to our photographer Brian Suda, and Sherry Goya who handles our distribution and advertising sales. Many more thanks go to our contributing writers who offer their expertise and provide such real life and useful information. And lastly, to our advertisers—thank you! We cannot print without your confidence in us.

As always, please feel free to send us stories, events and pictures you’d like to see in the magazine.

My sincerest thanks to all of you for your support of our mature community!

Live Well!

Percy Ihara, Editor/Publisher

Generations Magazine - Percy Portrait - Blue Shirt


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