Message from the Editor

As we enter 2012 with optimistic minds, trust in our neighbors and plans to spend more time with our family and friends, Generations Magazine will be here to bring you more resources for life.

We promise to provide you with more resources that maybe you never heard of, never thought about and possibly may need, right now. We will be here to support you and your family, and we will work to partner with more agencies and companies to meet these goals.

We would like to thank Gov. Neil Abercrombie for allowing us into his world of political life and being so open with us. I truly believe he has a special place in his heart for the seniors of Hawai‘i and understands that our ku¯puna will always be an important foundation for our community.

In 2012, please visit our revamped and more user-friendly Web site, On our homepage you can find all of our past issues and check out our calendar of Island events that pertain to aging. You will also want to click on our resource tab where you can view and print out all of our resource guides and view, or listen to, our resource library of topics. Many thanks to our Webmaster, Peterson Rosario. Oh, by the way, if you don’t have a computer, go to any state library and you can use one for free.

Congratulations to our 2011 Senior Fair survey winner Sharon Saito, who works for the State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. She won our Vacations Hawai‘i Las Vegas vacation package for two. She excitedly let us know that she took her sister for a vacation during Thanksgiving. See photo below.

Lastly, in our upcoming February/March issue look for our reader survey. Give us your feedback and send the survey back to us for a chance to win a 5-night Las Vegas Vacation Package. My sincerest thanks to all of you for your support of our mature community!

Live Well in 2012!
Percy Ihara, Editor/Publisher


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