When we all closed our doors, fluffed our couch pillows and settled in for what we thought was only going to be a two-week lockdown, no one could have imagined where we would be in 2021. We’re here now and life has a breeze of normalcy amid the chaos. Zoom family celebrations or business meetings are regularly scheduled in our calendars, delivery drivers know our routines and we’ve become more okay with staying in.
Supply and restaurant delivery are some of the conveniences the disabled and aged communities have needed for so long. Yet, seemingly overnight, these options are now available. Farmers markets are doing drive-by delivery, offices switched entirely to remote work and schools became “anywhere,” using distance learning.
And along the way, members of the disabled and senior communities have found that they can get a break from sheltering in place and stay safe by taking a drive, using their auto adaptive equipment. During their solo drive, they can avoid the virus. Their vehicle becomes a safe haven, an escape and a silver lining in this dark pandemic cloud. So taking care of your vehicle is more important than ever to stay safe and healthy in 2021.
2044 Dillingham Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96819
P: 808-834-1417 | F: 808-834-1070
Soderholm Sales and Leasing Inc.
PO Box 19010, Honolulu, HI 96817
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