Springtime Safety Means No Emergencies

Spring cleaning can be a satisfying experience for seniors, but it’s important to do it safely. Take your time, rest often and stay hydrated. Do not climb on furniture or a ladder. Ask for help. Staying safe is more than wearing an alert device. Work safely so you don’t have to activate it!

Use Careful Cleaning Methods. Wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from harsh chemicals. Senior skin is thinner and more sensitive.

Declutter. Clutter poses a falling risk for seniors — especially when reorganizing closets. “De-junking” surfaces and floors reduces that risk.

Clean Hidden Sources of Germs in the Kitchen. Sponges harbor food-borne bacteria like E. coli and salmonella. Disinfect sponges with bleach every day. Clean countertops and everyday kitchen items with disinfectant, followed by hot, soapy water.

Take Fire Safety Precautions. Replace batteries in smoke detectors, keep the stovetop area free of flammables, and clean the lint filter in the dryer before and after each load.

Clean the Air. Seniors with asthma may be even more sensitive to pollutants like dust. Replace your HVAC filter often. Choose a HEPA filter, which removes dust, mold and pollen.

98-030 Hekaha St., Ste. 4, Aiea, HI 96701


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