The Power of One-Minute Exercises

Is more exercise on your list this  year? Was it on last year and the previous years’ as well? Don’t feel bad — exercise holds the No. 1 spot in U.S. surveys as a resolution to be made and broken.

So how can you make this year’s intention a success? All you need is one minute each hour to move your body or practice deep breathing. Studies have shown that by being mindful of your movement and breathing for one minute every hour, your focus and concentration will also improve. Smiling helps, too.

Set your alarm on your phone to ring throughout the day, and when it does, set a timer and then move. You don’t need special equipment. Just spend that time observing your body. You can do slow neck rolls or shake your hands, or march. It doesn’t have to be difficult exercise — any movement, when done mindfully and with intention can be very beneficial to your body and your brain. Even tapping your body all over for one minute can get the blood flowing and boost your endorphins to make you feel good. Ten “1-minutes” a day is recommended to improve circulation and help you sleep better.

Honolulu 808-596-9642 | Aiea 808-486-9642
Kaimuki 808-738-5522
Manoa Energy Healing Center 808-691-9642 |


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