Never Ever …

Retired. No gold watch. No pension. Just — retired. Now what? Since I have been retired, I realize there is really no such thing.

Life goes on. You may spend a little time watching “Family Feud.” You may spend more time working on your golf swing or with friends and relatives you haven’t seen for a while.

But sooner or later, you realize … retired or not …you still have something to share. You have spent 40 plus years working at your craft or skill. You had a passion for it then. That passion doesn’t disappear overnight. I am determined to use those talents as long as I am able to make my community a better place.

You will have more time to spend with your significant other. Stay close. Take advantage of this added dimension. The relationship may change, but that can be a good thing if you have the right attitude.

You may find yourself looking at price tags a bit closer. I’m told this is normal. Still, it could be difficult to get used to since you have more time to go to the store.

Jim Valvano, the late great coach of North Carolina State’s basketball team said, “Never give up. Never, ever give up.”

I am using that as my mantra:

Never give up . . . Never give up.

There will be more challenges and opportunities in the future, and I welcome them with open arms and an open mind.

Imua, retirees, imua.

KHON2 TV personality and journalist Kirk Matthews, a boomer, who speaks from the heart on issues concerning seniors and soon-to-be seniors. Post your questions or comments to Kirk at his column on


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