Walk Wise Hawai`i Keeps Seniors Safe

Walk Wise Hawai‘i (WWH) is celebrating its ninth year of bringing important safety tips to Hawai‘i’s senior pedestrians. This statewide pedestrian safety campaign, led by the State Dept. of Transportation and championed by Walk Wise Hawai‘i’s Lance Rae, is revving up 2012 with expanded community outreach programs.

The rate of pedestrian fatalities among Hawai‘i’s elderly has steady declined thanks in large part to WWH’s expanded programming. Last year, nearly 7,000 seniors took the Pedestrians Pledged to “walk wise,” which is to always look left-right-left before crossing and make eye contact with drivers when crossing.

This coming August, WWH will celebrate its Third Annual Pedestrian Safety Month. This month-long campaign is recognized by Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz as “the only statewide pedestrian safety month in the nation.” Look for more information on the Pedestrian Safety Month this summer to learn about how to be both a safe pedestrian and driver.

Throughout the year, WWH’s Speakers Bureau reach out to seniors through the Honolulu Police Dept.’s Aloha No Na Kupuna program on O‘ahu and with Neighbor Island police departments. If you have senior citizens in your community, you can contact WWH to schedule a guest speaker who can share information about pedestrian safety and provide safe road-crossing tips. The WWH Speakers Bureau provides reflective lights to carry during the early morning and evening hours and yellow tote bags to all seniors who take the WWH Pedestrian Pledge.

This year, WWH invites all Generations Magazine readers and their families to take the Walk Wise Hawai‘i Pedestrian Pledge and make walking safe in Hawai‘i.

For more information on Walk Wise Hawai‘i, please contact Lance Rae at 535-9099.

Walk Wise Hawaii


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