The Power of Healing, Harmony & Hope

Mental health is a serious concern in  Hawai‘i. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, 17 percent of the state’s adult  population were struggling with some form of mental illness. Yet two out of three were receiving no treatment at all for this illness, which can contribute to chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, epilepsy and cancer, along with higher risks of adverse health outcomes.

Samaritan Counseling Center Hawaii is the culmination of a dream shared by two University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa social work students, Terry Fisher and Judy Hormell. The center  opened its doors in 1989 to provide professional and  accessible behavioral health counseling sensitive to the spiritual traditions of individuals, families and communities. Mental health services are offered to all, regardless of race, color, age, national origin, disability, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or ability to pay.

Services include telehealth counseling, in which professional mental health counselors offer at-home confidential guidance. To receive telehealth counseling, you need a smartphone, computer or tablet with Internet access and audio-video capabilities, and a private, secure location.

The center combines the best practices of today with an understanding of the power of sacred traditions to enhance lives. The center’s vision is for everyone in Hawai‘i to have access to quality behavioral health counseling that integrates their spirituality to enhance health and wholeness. Its professional counselors and therapists understand the close relationship between mind, body, spirit and community. The center’s counselors believe that spiritual health is a source of strength, healing and growth.

At the Samaritan Counseling Center, your health and safety come first. At this time, mental health counseling via telehealth and video therapy are recommended. A limited number of counseling sessions are offered in-person by appointment only in Honolulu. When it is safe to do so, the center will begin cautiously reopening its six offices on O’ahu, following recommended health guidelines.

Call the number below to decide whether telehealth is right for you. Donate to the center’s Client Assistance Fund to subsidize counseling for uninsured, underinsured, elderly and low-income clients at

1020 South Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96814
808-545-2740 |


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