The Journey Continues

Yes, the journey of life continues even after we retire!

How long our journey on Earth will be is one of the unknowns we must live with. In my earlier article, entitled, “I’ve Never Been Old Before,” I wrote about how lost I was when I retired from my career in the federal government. It took me quite a while to find purpose and meaning during the empty days that kept coming at me. Thankfully, I realized how rewarding it is to give back in whatever way you can.

For the past 11 years, our church has offered a men’s class called “The Journey Continues.” We have witnessed how helpful it’s been for many working and retired men who attend this class.

The men of The Journey Continues. Steven Kawamura (R, top row) says he has been blessed to be a part of this great, supportive group of men.
The men of The Journey Continues. Steven Kawamura (R, top row) says he has been blessed to be a part of this great, supportive group of men.

While studying the Bible is what brings us all together each Sunday morning, we value building relationships and seek to encourage one another in whatever ways we can. It is not easy in today’s world to find balance in one’s life and sometimes just getting through a week can seem almost impossible. That’s been the value of having a weekly class where you can come and be refreshed and completely renewed.

My life experiences have shown me that many men are living very lonely lives. Unless they are able to address this early, they risk coming to the finish line without anyone cheering for them.

If you see yourself in this article, it’s not too late to bounce back. Just look around you to see if there is anything you can try right away. You’ll be amazed at how many doors will begin to open to you if you do this. That’s been my experience.

Another surprisingly easy thing to do is just ask people you interact with on a regular basis. You’ll be amazed at how helpful their responses will be. Then just go for it.

Some Thoughts to Think On

“If you aim for nothing, you will probably hit it.” So why not try aiming for something and see what happens.

“My whole life has been preparation for now.” So make the most of what’s ahead by using what you’ve gained so far.

A final thought: “Not all who wander are lost”

If you feel like you are wandering aimlessly, remember that it is not too late — there is still time to avoid becoming “lost.”


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