Tag: preventing falls

  • Tips to Help Minimize the Risk of Falling

    Do you ever feel faint or lose your balance? Are your legs unsteady or seem like they’ll give way? Would you feel safer using a walker or cane? If you answered yes to any of these questions, talk to your doctor about preventing falls that can lead to serious injury. Meanwhile, consider these other ways…

  • Stay Independent

    Each year, one in four seniors suffers a fall, leading to injuries and emergency room visits. Although they are preventable, falls can lead to a loss of independence.

  • Exercise: A Panacea, Pt. 2: Movement/Safety

    Although the medical system is driven by pain, preventative approaches are becoming more prevalent. For seniors, it is essential that falls are prevented. Any fall can cause severe damage and breaking a bone (usually the hip or hand/wrist) is quite common. The scary statistic is that one out of every five people will die within…