Tag: kupuna
Making Wise Choices for Our Kūpuna
We all need help at some point in our lives — and this is true especially for our aging loved ones. However, it can be overwhelming to choose among the variety of help that our kūpuna can utilize as they progress into aging.
March – April 2023
The March-April issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features Executive Director Connie Mitchell and her team at the Institute of Human Services who face the problems and challenges of the “unhoused” population on Oahu. Does your computer need some spring cleaning? Christopher Duque has some tips. Kristina Wong of Altres discusses caregiver compatibility and more seniors are…
May – June 2023
The May-June issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features a story about Kumu Kahua Theater in downtown Honolulu. Kathlyn Clore explores the people who contribute to Honoluluʻs home for local storytellers. Dr. Sandra von Doetinchem, a UH specialist in gerontology, discusses the benefits of learning late in life. Does Dad need help during the day and something…
July – August 2023
The July-August 2023 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features a cover story about the hottest craze sweeping the nation, Pickleball. Author Rosa Barker dives deep into the story about a sport that everyone loves, especially seniors! You’ll also read how a healthy lifestyle can help fight diabetes. Sophia Calio, director of the YMCA’s kūpuna programs, talks…
September – October 2023
The September-October 2023 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features a cover story about how long-term friendships can really make a difference in your life – and the lives of others. Youʻll learn how seeing your dentist might show signs of osteoporosis. Scott Makuakane gives some sage advice on making estate decisions. And Generations Magazine’s Wilson Angel…
November – December 2023
The November-December 2023 issue of GENERATIONS MAGAZINE features a cover story about two of the most well-known and most-loved coaches in Hawaii sports history – Dave Shoji and Vince Goo. Find out what they’re up to today! You’ll also get some important Medicare information – especially important during this open enrollment period. We’ll show you…
Aging in Hawai‘i – A Moving Experience
There are many questions that families have as their parents age. Many adult children have never had to provide care for a senior. When they begin, they soon find it is not an easy task. Assisting your parents as they age in place seems like a good idea until we realize how much time it…
Benefits of Exercise for Our Kūpuna
Regular exercise and physical activity can help to prevent disease, improve mental health, increase energy, reduce the risk of falling and much more. Here’s how!
A Very Active Centenarian
Hawai‘i is fortunate to be the home of many centenarians, and I love writing about them. Most recently, I spent time with Edward Jurkens, who celebrated his 100th birthday on December 23, 2017. We planned to talk at his apartment then go to lunch. On the way there, I thought, “Where should I park so…