Tag: estate plan
Communication & Grief
Grief is a natural response to the loss of someone special. The process of grieving allows the griever to adapt to a new world of existence without the loved one.
Genius Tip: Designing Your Game Plan
Albert Einstein famously said that an intellectual solves problems, while a genius avoids them. Here is an example of how you should employ this mindset when you put your estate plan in place.
Grief & Bereavement — Part VII
Estate planning attorneys help their clients make sound, intentional decisions relating to their estate plans when they manage to help clients minimize guilt, conflict and anxiety. At the same time, survivors should be allowed experience the natural process of grief.
Don’t Do It Yourself: DIY Estate Plans
You can devise your estate plan without lawyers or accountants. All you need is a credit card, a computer, a printer and access to the internet. Armed with those four things, you can create one or more documents that may — or may not — accomplish what you expect.
Making the Rules Beyond Your Lifetime
How do you stay in control of your stuff while you are able and assure that your wishes will be carried out when incapacity or the grim reaper catch up with you? Sorry to rub it in, but at least one of these possibilities is going to happen to you and odds are that both…
Your Estate Plan: What NOT to Do
Problems with your estate plan may not become apparent until it is too late to fix them. Here are some common pitfalls: • Failing to plan for large expenses, such as long-term care. • Failing to update your estate plan, including beneficiary designations on bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts and insurance policies. • Failing…
Estate Planning: Start With ‘Why’
Trust beneficiaries are sometimes left to wonder why a decedent instructed that a trust distribution be made in a particular way. The trust clearly identified who the beneficiaries were, what they were to receive and how they were to receive. But unfortunately, the trust was silent as to the “why” of the distribution — the…
Beware: It’s the Return of the Estate Tax
The good news is that the federal estate tax took a vacation in 2010. The bad news is that it spent the whole year lifting weights and taking steroids. The estate tax is coming back in 2011, as big and bad as it has been in a long time. Now is the time to review…
When Should I Review My Estate Plan?
Unless you keep up with critical changes, your estate plan will become ineffective and maybe even become harmful to you and your ‘ohana. What kinds of changes are we talking about?
Legal: Siblingship
siblingship [sib-ling-ship] noun (November 9, 2013): 1. The state of being related or interrelated 2. A state of affairs existing between one of two or more individuals having one common parent. You will not find this word in the dictionary — it is a new word as of November 9, 2013. It describes the unique,…
Legal: Review Your Estate Plan Often
As we turn the page from 2012 to 2013, it is not a bad time to focus on your Rule Book (the set of documents in which you lay out your estate plan) and make sure that the rules you have in place are still consistent with your wishes and your needs. How often you…