Tag: benefits

  • Decision Time About Benefits

    One of the rites of fall for most employees is the opportunity to review and revise their benefit options for the next year (the next benefits year could start in January or sooner). This is often referred to as the “open enrollment” period. Typically, all employees of a company or organization can make adjustments to…

  • Social Security Q&A: Ask and Get it Clear

    Social Security can get a bit tricky, so we’ve brought in some help — Jane Yamamoto-Burigsay, a Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Hawaii. Here are her answers to a few Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Divorced? Youʻre not separated from Social Security

    If you are divorced, there are several things you should know about Social Security. A divorced spouse may be eligible for benefits on more than one work record—such as one’s own record and an ex-spouse’s record. This applies to both divorced men and women. If you’ve never asked Social Security about receiving benefits based on…

  • Options for Paying for Long-Term Care

    In life, we always have options. And when it comes to covering the costs of long-term care, it is no different. In this article, I’ll share a few viable strategies you can use to help cover the future costs of care in our Aloha State. It is by no means all-encompassing and exhaustive, but meant…

  • SS Benefits Increase in 2020

    Each year, we announce the Social Security (SS) annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). In 2020, nearly 69 million Americans are receiving a 1.6 percent increase in their SS benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments.

  • Track Social Security Earnings Online

    Social Security is an earned benefit. SS keeps track of your earnings so you can be payed the benefits you’ve earned over your lifetime. This is why reviewing your SS earnings record is so important. You can do much of your business with SS online.

  • Education on Social Security

    I’m trying to figure out how much to save for my retirement. Does the government offer any help with financial education? Will my son be eligible to receive benefits on his retired father’s record while going to college?

  • Service Employment Program in Action

    Many seniors approaching retirement age have not built up adequate savings in their Social Security accounts. By finding employment before taking SS withdrawals, seniors can build up accounts and ensure a healthier retirement payments when the time comes. The Honolulu Community Action Program Inc. administers the Senior Community Service Employment Program for low-income seniors who…

  • Enjoy Life More With a Furry Best Friend

    It’s always comforting to have a best friend to share in the journey of life every step of the way. For seniors, while the idea of caring for a furry friend can seem overwhelming, the benefits are highly rewarding; pets can provide a whole new experience of joy and purpose.

  • Don’t Just Sit There! Get Up & Move!

    Many of us sit for hours at a desk at work and on the couch at home. Our jobs and activities have been trending toward a more sedentary lifestyle. And regular exercise might not be enough to reverse the damage. Studies now indicate the longer you sit, the greater your risk of developing cardiovascular disease…