Hospice Support for Body, Heart & Soul

Navian Hawaii is grounded in a comprehensive care philosophy, providing an interdisciplinary program of care to support patients and their loved ones’ physical, psycho-social, emotional and spiritual well-being. Complementary therapies are a vital part of this care philosophy:

Pet Therapy has been proven to reduce depression and fatigue, and ease stress and pain.
Art Therapy uses various forms of visual art to encourage self-expression, reduce stress and improve well-being. It can also be very effective in helping patients’ children understand and cope with death and bereavement.
Aromatherapy provides a variety of benefits, including easing tension, increasing breathing and circulation and promoting a sense of peace.
Healing Touch & Reiki are also offered. Healing touch is an energy-based technique that restores patients’ energy system. Reiki is a Japanese hands-on technique that promotes relaxation and healing.

Additional therapies, such as Hand Casting, Therapeutic Music and Massage Therapy, are available to all patients. We encourage our patients to take advantage of this additional layer of support to help them embrace their end-of-life journeys with comfort and dignity.

NAVIAN HAWAII (501(c) 3 nonprofit)
860 Iwilei Road, Honolulu, HI 96817
808-924-9161 | www.navianhawaii.org


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