Have More Fun Aging With Cool Devices

The gang’s all here to help you adapt to aging with some cool devices: (L–R, front) Monty Anderson-Nitahara, Barbara Fischlowitz-Leong, (back) Katie Friedman, Hannah Diaz, Janelle Feliciano and Harvey Gordon
The gang’s all here to help you adapt to aging with some cool devices: (L–R, front) Monty Anderson-Nitahara, Barbara Fischlowitz-Leong, (back) Katie Friedman, Hannah Diaz, Janelle Feliciano and Harvey Gordon

As we mature, our bodies may no longer work the way they once did — our eyes and ears are not quite as sharp; our hands not quite as steady. We may find ourselves straining to see the TV; we may no longer be able to read our favorite publications; we may need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves.

Fortunately, technology can help us regain
what was lost due to aging. These tools fall into two different categories: durable medical equipment (DME), which includes wheelchairs, walkers and walking sticks; and assistive technology (AT), which includes magnifiers, talking computers, audible books and document readers.

Ask a professional to help you find what works best for you. At ATRC, we specialize in helping you identify the exact device and model that fits you — at no cost. Call us for more information.

200 N. Vineyard Blvd., Ste. 430, Honolulu, HI 96817
808-532-7111 | monty@atrc.org | www.atrc.org


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