Guardianship vs. Conservatorship

While there have been terrible examples of guardianship abuse cases in the news, there are also thousands of individuals who are benefiting from ethical, well-disciplined guardians.

In Hawai‘i, the word “guardian” refers to guardian of the person. The word “conservator” is used when referring to the conservator of the property.

The guardian focuses on helping to make medical, educational and person-related decisions for someone who either is not able to understand or make decisions for themselves. The conservator manages income and financial considerations. Both are appointed by a court of law.

While specific training is not required in Hawai‘i, it is important to consider the character and qualifications of the guardian nominee.

View other resources of guardians and qualifications:

– National Guardianship Association (
– Center for Guardianship Certification (

The Caregiver Foundation provides administrative services to guardians who are seeking to execute thei {Play}r duties properly. The executive director of The Caregiver Foundation will, in some cases, act as a court-appointed guardian.

THE CAREGIVER FOUNDATION (501(c) 3 nonprofit)
926 3rd St., Pearl City, HI 96782
808-625-3782 |


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