Good News for Homeowners

The City & County of Honolulu offers a home rehabilitation loan program to owner-occupant homeowners on Oahu, whose incomes do not exceed 80% of the area median income. The loans can be used to repair and correct deteriorated and hazardous conditions on the property, such as damage caused by termites, leaky roof, faulty electrical wiring and plumbing. Loans may cover accessibility improvements to assist family members with disabilities and the installation of solar water heating and photovoltaic electric generation systems.

The City is aware many homeowners are unfamiliar with monitoring construction and therefore assists its clients by having inspectors oversee the project to ensure the work meets industry standard levels of quality and workmanship. All work on the project must be performed by a licensed contractor selected by the homeowner.

The loan limit is $75,000; however, loans over $75,000 will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The loan amount will also be subject to the available equity value in the property. Loans are currently offered with a zero percent interest rate and are based on a 15 or 20 year maturity. The City is able to taylor repayments to fit homeowners with a limited budget with a larger final \payment due at the end of the loan term. Qualified homeowner’s income levels are:

Household Member(s) / 2012 Income Limit

  • 1 / 57700
  • 2 / 65950
  • 3 / 74200
  • 4 / 82400

For information and an application, homeowners may call the Kapolei office at 808-768-3240 or the Honolulu office at 808-768-7076.


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