Going to the Dentist After COVID-19

Hopefully, the COVID-19 virus is now under control and life is back to normal. Regardless, one of the lessons we learned through this pandemic is better personal hygiene.

Dentists were asked to help contain the spread if the virus by limiting their care to only emergency visits. The main concern was patients spreading it to each other while in the office. Just as concerning was the direct exposure of the virus to dentists and their staff — and possible spread to their families.

Once this crisis is over, it should be very safe to visit your dentist again. Dental offices have high infection control standards. Many place disposable plastic barriers on dental chairs and equipment that are used during treatment and are changed between patients. Surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant solutions. Gloves are changed after each patient and masks are worn during procedures.

Rest assured that dentists have been and will continue to ensure your safety at their offices.

4747 Kilauea Ave., Ste. 113, Honolulu, HI 96816
808-737-6229 | office@paultanakadds.com


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