Get Out and Explore!

Naturalist John Muir once said, “The mountains are calling and I must go.” The yearning to bask in the glory of nature is the same for those who can get up and walk as it is for someone who gets around by wheelchair.

However, most of those places are much more accessible to those who are able-bodied. Parks, beaches and hiking trails present many barriers and challenges for someone who can’t get around easily. But being surrounded by nature has been proven to have immense health benefits, so we should help ensure that these wonders of the world are accessible to all.

Increasing the number of wider, smoother trails, bringing bathrooms closer to the trail and destination, and having better signage and visibility are ways we can help make the world more accessible. Even with these improvements, just getting to these destinations can still be incredibly difficult.

The degree of flexibility paratransit services provide their customers may vary considerably. Therefore, if you don’t have your own means of wheelchair-accessible transportation, you may be left out of these activities. But a wheelchair-accessible van available for your on-demand use can be life-changing. Find out more and get out and explore!

2044 Dillingham Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96819
808-834-1417 |
Soderholm Sales and Leasing Inc.
PO Box 19010, Honolulu, HI 96817


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