Empowering Family Caregivers

They were overwhelmed and unprepared. Many were the designated caregiver by default — no other family member was willing to help.

As a nonprofit organization, St. Francis Healthcare System fills this community need by offering information resources and educational sessions for caregivers at no cost or for a nominal fee. Even during the pandemic, we provided caregivers access to virtual caregiving training sessions.

We offer practical information: how to safely give your aging loved one a bath without injuring yourself or your loved one, how to plan for long-term care, how to manage caregiver stress and many other topics. Most importantly, we make sure these sessions are not sales presentations that may make participants feel uncomfortable.

Caregiving can be challenging, even for the most patient person. Equipping family caregivers gives them more control over their lives and allows them to provide quality care that retains the dignity of their elderly loved ones.

ST. FRANCIS HEALTHCARE SYSTEM (501(c) 3 nonprofit)
2228 Liliha St., Honolulu, HI 96817
808-547-6500 | info@stfrancishawaii.org


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