Category: May – June 2024

  • Mahalo for the Memories!

    My mother and father lived to 92 and 94, respectively, and as the years passed, it was sometimes difficult to choose gifts for them, so I had to be creative. For Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, I want to share some special gift ideas for seniors like my parents.

  • Disaster-Proofing Your Documents

    A fireproof safe may not be 100% effective, as evidenced during Maui’s wildfires last year. In parts of Lahaina, the heat was so intense that safes were found melted.

  • Back in Action!

    Having previously worked as content coordinator for Generations Magazine from 2020 to 2021, I returned when my daughter-in-law, Cynthia Arnold, took ownership.

  • Driven by Legacy, Crafted with Aloha

    Driven by Legacy, Crafted with Aloha

    Did Manuel Nobriga know when he began crafting ice cream from scratch at Maui Soda & Ice Works in Wailuku in 1932 that he would be leaving an enduring legacy that would be perpetuated and celebrated for many generations? Well, as it turns out, Manuel’s ideas, formulas and methods have become the blueprint for a…