Category: June-July 2021

  • Passing on Keepsakes

    Passing on keepsakes to those we care about and who we know will cherish them can be a meaningful experience. We hope that the recipient of these items will continue to find value and meaning in the keepsake long after we are gone.

  • Make Plans to Win the Game of Life

    Winning the game of life — and death — depends on having an effective plan in place before the inevitable happens. If you do not have an advance healthcare directive, your loved ones may find themselves blindsided and sidelined at the precise moment you need them to step in and make medical decisions for you.

  • Alzheimer’s: Steps to Prepare Financially

    If a person close to you has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it may be time to address some serious financial questions. It is wise to get financial matters in order as soon as possible due to the debilitating nature of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia that affect your loved one’s ability to make…

  • SSA Helps Small Businesses

    According to the US Small Business Administration, about 30 million small businesses in the United States employ tens of millions of people. Running a small business can be a 24-7 endeavor managing employees, inventory, scheduling, services and marketing at a small business can be very challenging.

  • Relay Conference Captioning Service

    As we age, hearing loss may affect our lives, making it more difficult to understand what is happening during in-person meetings, community services, safety workshops and many other events. Struggling to hear and understand what is being said in our daily activities may cause us to feel a loss of independence and dignity, and may…

  • What’s the ‘Advantage’ in Medicare Plans?

    There’s been a lot of buzz about the extra benefits that come with Medicare Advantage plans. I’m asked everyday, “What’s the best plan?” There really isn’t a one-size-fits-all best plan — but chances are, there could be a better plan out there for you than what you have.

  • Visitor Aloha Societies in Hawai‘i Care for Travelers Touched by Adversity

    Despite the ongoing pandemic, Hawai‘i continues to attract scores of visitors lured by the promise of pristine beaches, picture-perfect scenery and a balmy, tropical climate. Yet, the fact remains that while our state continues to be one of the safest destinations in the world, it is not unlike anywhere else. The islands still can be…

  • Protect Your Eyes From Computer Overuse

    If you spend your working day behind a computer screen, you are at risk of experiencing digital eye strain, or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Symptoms of this include dry eyes, blurred vision,  headaches, and neck and shoulder pain.

  • See Your Dentist if Your Mouth Feels Dry

    Does your mouth often feel dry and uncomfortable? Does it make eating, speaking or swallowing difficult? Dry mouth can cause oral health issues that can affect your smile and overall quality of life.

  • Prevent Permanent Disability Due to Stroke

    Imagine being suddenly weak or  paralyzed, unable to move your leg, arm, see normally or feel your face. These are some of the symptoms of a stroke — 911 should be called immediately!

  • Free Dental Care & Education for Seniors

    Since 1995, the Aloha Medical Mission (AMM) Dental Clinic has provided basic dental care at no cost for adults who are unable to afford it. AMM Dental Clinic is a secular, nonprofit organization supported by government grants, independent donors and private foundations.

  • Strengthen Foot & Ankle Foundations

    When building a house, having a solid foundation is key to its stability. The feet and ankles are the foundations for your body, and are critical for stability and balance while standing and walking. Yet how often do we think of exercising these muscles to keep them strong and flexible.