Category: February – March 2012

  • Legal: Transfer Tax Ideas for 2012

    This year, many of us will be focusing on two things - the shrinking federal estate and gift tax “coupon” and the radical jump in transfer tax rates. The “coupon” is the amount that the Internal Revenue Code allows you to give away without having to pay gift taxes during your lifetime or estate taxes after you…

  • People’s Open Market

    Founded in 1973, the People’s Open Market (POM) was formed to accomplish three goals: Provide the opportunity to purchase fresh agricultural and aquacultural products and other food items at low cost. Support the economic viability of diversified agriculture and aquaculture in Hawai‘i by providing market sites for local farmers, fishermen or their representatives to sell…

  • How Much Are You Worth?

    In a society that glamorizes youth and beauty, it is easy for us to feel less valued as we age. As my hairline recedes, my wrinkles deepen, and my strength diminishes, am I still valuable? Are you still valuable? How much are you worth? Let me answer that question using a real life example. Do…

  • Medicare: Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are some of the most common questions that we at the Sage PLUS Program (Hawai‘i SHIP) hear from individuals. If you have a general question, you can e-mail it to us at and we will address a couple of questions each Generations publication. For personalized help call 1-888-875-9229. AND if you really want…

  • Tofu Poke’

    I love my vegetarian friends and family (my daughter eats NO meat). This can get challenging at times, but there are some vegetarian dishes that are so good even the carnivorous type will take a bite or two. On friends and family gatherings, try serving poke’ that everyone can cheer about! Ingredients 1 lb extra…

  • Kupuna Education Center

    The Elderhood Project airs Thursday at 5:30am and at 5:00pm There is an old Beatles song that includes the lyrics…”Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m 64.” The obvious answer is -“I want to, but how do I do that?” Not the need me part, the feed me part. By feed,…

  • Your Mind & Body

    Signs of Stroke Each year in the United States, there are more than 700,000 strokes. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the country. A stroke is a medical emergency. It occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is reduced or interrupted. Nearly three-quarters of all strokes occur in people…

  • Legal: Make It Personal

    In planning our estate, we often spend much of our energy on deciding how to distribute the home and the cash, and we often overlook the personal items. In my practice, I see families distributing large sums of money and real estate rather smoothly. Then, when it comes to personal property, family conflict arises. From…

  • Be An Aware Consumer – Avoid Being Scammed

    It’s no secret that con-artists go where the money is. That means that schemers and scammers target citizens who are retired or who are about to retire who have been accumulating money through their retirement plans, real-estate and their personal bank accounts. The truth is that we are all at risk. Nevertheless, you can help…

  • Financial: Time For You To Refinance?

    According to research done by Freddie Mac, the average rate on a 30-year mortgage in the U.S. dropped below 4% for the first time ever in 2011. Rates on shorter-term, 15-year mortgages are even lower. For some, this creates a great opportunity to refinance the mortgage. But it’s not the right decision for everyone. Here…