Category: December – January 2014

  • Finding Funds for Long-Term Care

    Preparing for aging and care is not easy and many do not anticipate the costs associated with long-term care. Some of us assume that relatives will be able to provide care, however this doesn’t always pan out. Those who are not prepared for long-term care costs are left wondering how they will afford their care…

  • Start a New Tradition with Social Security

    The holiday season has arrived — a time of year that is steeped in tradition. We’d like to suggest that you start a new tradition. It actually starts with breaking the old tradition of trudging to an office when you need to do business with Social Security. Sometimes traditions evolve. Many of the things your…

  • Lotteries & Sweepstakes: You’re Not That Lucky

    When Betty Lau (victim’s name changed) of Kaimuki opened her mail, she could not believe how lucky she was to find out that she won the $3-million Australian Lottery. The official looking letter explained that an unnamed company bought her a ticket as a promotional program and the enclosed Gold Credit Card from VISA contained…

  • Home Equity Into Retirement Income

    The long-struggling housing market is finally showing signs of recovery, giving many homeowners more equity in their properties. This is prompting more pre-retirees to consider if, and how, home equity can be turned into a source of cash to help fund their retirement. Home equity represents one of the biggest assets for many Americans. However,…

  • Cataracts: Serious But Treatable

    Cataracts affect more than 24 million Americans, with nearly 115,000 of them right here in Hawai‘i. A cataract is when the normally clear lens of the eye starts to become cloudy, which blocks and distorts light necessary for the retina to process images. The disease occurs naturally as we age, but some risk factors include…

  • Is Physician-Assisted Suicide Legal in Hawaii?

    A large, well-funded national organization has been taking out print ads and airing TV commercials that claim that doctors in Hawai‘i are providing lethal doses of medication to individuals who desire “aid in dying.” According to the ads and commercials, this is perfectly legal because of a newly discovered loophole inHawai‘i law. As it turns…

  • All-in-One Services Help Seniors Stay Home

    It is no secret that the number of individuals over the age of 60 is increasing exponentially. Without massive changes to operations, there will be no way to effectively meet the needs of seniors in the future. This we know. What may not be so evident are the strides forward that the Hawai‘i State Executive…

  • Preventing Falls with Aquatic Exercises

    One-third of the population over the age of 65 falls each year, and the risk increases proportionately with age. At 80 years, over half of seniors fall annually. Those who take a spill often develop a fear of falling. Fear gone unchecked may lead to limiting activities and loss of physical fitness, increasing risk of…

  • Are You ‘Good to Go?’

    We all know death is a natural part of life and something we will all experience. But have you thought about how you want to be treated during your final days? How you would like to die? Though it’s not an easy topic, and most of us avoid thinking about it, consider giving your death…

  • 8 Things on My Medicare To-Do List

    Planning ahead for 2014, made me stop and ponder for a moment … what are the things that are really important to me? First thing that came to my mind was my family. Second was the health of my family and myself. This article is dedicated to Medicare recipients and their caregivers so that we…

  • Healthy Food Tips for Your Kidney

    Are you aware of the caution about drinking cola drinks? According to a 2007 study, “carbonated beverage consumption has been linked with diabetes, hypertension and kidney stones, all risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Cola beverages, in particular, contain phosphoric acid and have been associated with urinary changes that promote kidney stones.”(1) Drinking two…

  • Legal: Siblingship

    siblingship [sib-ling-ship] noun (November 9, 2013): 1. The state of being related or interrelated 2. A state of affairs existing between one of two or more individuals having one common parent. You will not find this word in the dictionary — it is a new word as of November 9, 2013. It describes the unique,…