Category: December – January 2013

  • Review Your Estate Plan Often

    As we turn the page from 2012 to 2013, it is not a bad time to focus on your Rule Book (the set of documents in which you lay out your estate plan) and make sure that the rules you have in place are still consistent with your wishes and your needs. How often you…

  • Who’s to Get My Personal Assets?

    QUESTION: Should I write instructions for my jewelry and other personal assets in my Will? ANSWER: Yes. The best method to use is a “Personal Property Memorandum.” State of Hawai‘i law allows you to legally make your own list of beneficiaries of tangible personal property. It is as simple as making the list in your…

  • Silver & Strong: Three Seniors, Exercising Life.

    Silver & Strong: Three Seniors, Exercising Life.

    It’s important to recognize that exercise is not merely for sculpting young bodies. It is for everyone — especially seniors, who often have the most to gain.

  • Better Business Bureau: Deciding Charities

    The holidays are a tough time to be in need, and unfortunately there’s way too much of that going around these days. Last year the U.S. Census Bureau said that 16% of people in the States live below the poverty line and that children in 3.9 million households across America went hungry. These are heart…

  • A Year of Exhalation

    This is your new year resolution: exhale. You’ve collected things through the years and you’re beginning to realize … there’s no room to breath — you see “clutter”. You know you need to declutter, but you just don’t know where to start. You can start by exhaling. Then begin with the least personal space, such as the least used…

  • Uplifting Choices: Playing a Significant Role

    An Uplifting Story If you live long enough, you are likely to have an experience that is life-altering. Right now, there are two families living on the Big Island living out just such an experience; and it started out with a casual conversation between two mothers who are involved with their sons’ softball team. Angie…

  • “Name the Show” and Win!

    ‘Olelo Community Media is honored to serve the diverse people, groups and communities of O’ahu, Hawai’i. Citizens don’t often have a voice in commercial media, so Public, Education and Governmental (PEG) Access provides them with an added source of information and opinion, a forum to discuss issues, and a means of sharing first-hand stories about…

  • Financial: Retirement Confidence Boost

    Dos and Don’ts on Preparing for Retirement As baby boomers near retirement, many are discovering that they aren’t yet financially prepared to leave their careers. Moving from a full-time job to a life of travel, volunteer work and time spent with family and friends may seem like a natural next step. For those who are…

  • Benefits Enrollment Center: Can Help You

    The Elderly Affairs Division (EAD) was recently awarded one of 20 Benefits Enrollment Center (BEC) Grants nationwide from the National Council on Aging. The BEC grant supports the development of person-centered, community-based system to provide outreach, and to help seniors and younger adults with disabilities with limited means to enroll in public and private programs…

  • Serious Consequences for Elderly Falls

    Falls are the leading cause of injuries among seniors in Hawai‘i. The risk and frequency of falling increase with age. Every 5 hours a senior in Hawai‘i suffers a fall that results in the senior being hospitalized. One in three adults 65 years or older in the US suffers a fall each year. Falls can…