Category: Dec 2017 – January 2018

  • WARNING: ‘Aging in Place’ Homes

    Many seniors are aware of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program and its role as their advocate if they have a problem or concern regarding a nursing home, adult residential care home, assisted living facility or community care foster family home. What they may not know, however, is that if they choose to live in what…

  • The Many Facets of Dementia

    Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia — isn’t that the same thing? The simple answer is no. Dementia is an umbrella term for the different types of diseases that affect the brain. Alzheimer’s Disease is only one form of dementia. Also on the list we have Lewy body dementia, alcohol-related dementia, frontal-temporal dementia, Parkinson’s-related dementia, and so on. Dementia is…

  • Coping with Holiday Sibling Strife

    The search for holiday perfection can set the bar high for caregivers. Starting as early as Thanksgiving, they’re flooded by images of families happily enjoying one another. And why not? As a home healthcare provider, we know family support goes a long way for parents aging in place. But when adult siblings are involved, they…

  • Prevent Rat Lungworm Disease

    In late September, an infant from Hawai’i Island was confirmed as the state’s 17th case of rat lungworm disease. Caused by a roundworm parasite, it can have debilitating effects on a person’s brain and spinal cord. The disease is endemic to the state and spreads when rodents pass larvae of the worm in their feces,…

  • Seeing and Feeling is Believing

    In my previous articles in Generations Magazine, I’ve had the chance to share the wonder, power and fact that “the right kind of water” is key to maintaining an optimum health profile. Here is a review of the past articles, which can be found in articles published on this website. February 2016 “Water Does Matter”…

  • Stretch Away Your Stress

    Adults of all generations, from millennials to baby boomers and “maturers,” struggle with managing stress. Life can often be chaotic. When we are stressed, the body releases hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This increases heart rate and blood pressure, and interferes with sleep, which is vital for body repair, restoration and emotional balance. When severely stressed,…

  • What Is Auricular Medicine?

    Auricular medicine is a highly developed, independent system of medicine recently rediscovered and revived as a major modality in the Chinese healthcare system. Thousands of years ago, it was discovered that the ears themselves contain nerve and acupuncture points corresponding to many areas and regions of the body. By stimulating these points, positive changes in…

  • Why So Many Email Accounts?

    What would happen if cybercriminals took control of your email account? They would have access to all the services and people you communicate with. These criminals will be able to impersonate you, drain your financial nest egg and ruin your life! To protect yourself, I encourage you to have more than one email account. Before…

  • Athletes After 60: Charlene & Larry Gearing

    Larry Gearing was riding his bicycle up a hill toward his home in 2006 when he felt chest pains. A doctor’s test revealed that, six months prior, he most likely had a silent heart attack causing a blocked artery. After undergoing cardiac rehabilitation, Larry and his wife, Charlene, decided to get fit and healthy. Using…

  • The Search Is On for the 2018 Lei Queen!

    Do you know any kūpuna women who are skilled in hula and lei-making, love the Hawaiian culture and live the spirit of aloha? If so, encourage them to apply for 2018 Lei Queen. The City’s Department of Parks and Recreation, which organizes the program, selects court members from different age groups to celebrate phases of…