Category: August – September 2021

  • Wait — Don’t Die Yet! – A Practical Guide

    Annette Kam’s free eBook is “a complete guide to all thing no one really wants to think about (but everyone needs to know!).” The guidebook was written last year, after the author endured a heart-wrenching ordeal. WAIT — Don’t Die Yet! is a step-by-step guide for adult children and spouses who are either  preparing for…

  • Five Proactive Conversations

    Dad passed away many years ago. Mom is 79 and very active. She golfs, plays mahjong, exercises and, of course, plays with her grandkids. Although we’re grateful Mom is healthy, we’re also  concerned because she now lives all alone in the large house we grew up in.

  • Tried-and-True Coping Skills

    It is always difficult and  painful to loose a loved one, even as memories of them remain in our heart to comfort us. I’d like to share a few tried-and-true coping skills to help deal with a loss.

  • Staying Safe When Using Social Media

    Social media is a great way for all of us to keep in touch with family and friends, and our kūpuna are no exception. The use of social media among senior citizens has been a growing trend. However, social media presents some extra  risks for older people.

  • New Ways to Live & Work

    As we begin to put the harshest effects of COVID behind us, large numbers of us are developing ways to live and work that create positive outcomes from negative change. The emerging opportunities featured in this post are associated with fast-growing careers throughout Hawai‘i.

  • Gerontological Society Virtual Conference

    The Hawaii Pacific  Gerontological Society (HPGS) will present its biennial conference, Foresight 2021 and Beyond, on Sept. 15 and 16.

  • 10-Digit Dialing Starts in October

    Starting this October, you’ll have to dial “808” with all phone numbers you call in Hawai‘i. It seems easy, right? But the change could lead to complications. Starting Oct. 24, 2021, all calls — including those on the same island — must be dialed using 10 digits or the call will not go through.

  • MDX Lends a Hand to is a Hawai‘i-based nonprofit that started in March 2020 in response to the global pandemic and its impact on the state’s seniors. In the face of this adversity, the group envisioned a Hawai‘i where all kūpuna have food security and access to essentials. Through grants and donations, the organization has made great strides in…

  • Hawai‘i Honors Its Senior Volunteers

    Every May during National Older Americans Month, Hawai‘i’s four county Area Agencies on Aging recognize seniors from each county for their volunteer accomplishments. This year’s national theme was Communities of Strength. Each county received nominations from the public for Outstanding Older Americans. A man and a woman were chosen from each county.

  • Reasons, Steps, Benefits: Preparing for the Future With a Smart and Sound Estate Plan

    Facing one’s mortality is like staring into the sun — we don’t want to do either for very long. There is no cure for mortality, but we can do the next best thing by providing peace of mind in a stressful time. Estate planning provides that peace of mind to those with the foresight to…