Category: August – September 2020

  • Where Did All the Toilet Paper Go?

    Shoppers across the county and around the globe cleaned out shelves of toilet tissue, disinfectant sprays/wipes, rubbing alcohol and hand  sanitizers during the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Stores were overwhelmed due to fears of supply chain disruptions, although none occurred.

  • Overcoming Depression Through Faith

    I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine. His name is Depression. I didn’t like being around him, but he dropped in whenever he felt like it.

  • Community Living Centers

    As a veteran who is “getting up there,” how to live out my last years comfortably without being a burden is more than a passing thought. Fortunately, there are 100 Veterans Affairs Community Living Centers (CLCs) across the country. Their mission is to restore the veteran to his or her highest level of physical and/or…

  • Work Longer — Brain Smarter

    There is plenty of evidence revealing that work boosts cognitive health. Delaying full-time retirement means mitigating the risk of several types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s.

  • The Right to Vote is Yours!

    As we age, we may not be able to do some things as well as we used to. But there’s one important thing we can do today with greater power and effectiveness: We can vote!