Category: August – September 2018

  • Repetitive Questioning in Alzheimer’s

    In home care, a question I often get is how to care for someone with Alzheimer’s who asks the same questions over and over again. To better understand and manage what’s going on, it helps to first know a bit on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

  • Aquatic Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain

    If you are one of the 100 million Americans who experience chronic pain, know that physical therapy can be a safer alternative to potentially addictive medications. Physical therapy plays a vital role in helping to manage and overcome chronic pain through proper strengthening and flexibility exercises, manual therapies, posture and body mechanics instruction.

  • Tips for Buying Medications Online

    Purchasing medication and even filling prescriptions online can be a risky process, but the chances of being victimized can be greatly reduced by taking a few necessary precautions. Avoid email scams Try not to respond to email “spam.” But if you are inclined to do so, do your research to see how reputable the company…

  • U.S. Army History in Waikīkī!

    Right here in Waikīkī there is more to learn about our famous nisei “Go For Broke” 442nd Infantry Regiment — at the U.S. Army Museum of Hawaii. It’s on the corner of Kalia and Saratoga Roads inside Fort DeRussy Military Reservation park.

  • Women on the WWII Home Front in Hawai‘i

    The measures that came into effect in wartime Hawai‘i were described by one man who helped create them, Maj. Gen. Thomas H. Green, as “a new experiment in government — a joint operation of the military, civilian business and the general public.” A great number of the general public were, of course, women and they played many…

  • Who’s Turning 65 This Year?

    What do singer Cyndi Lauper, comedian Tim Allen, wrestler Hulk Hogan, attorney Marcia Clark and politician Jeb Bush have in common? They were born in 1953 and are turning 65 this year, along with many others who may not enjoy fortune or fame. Celebrity or not, if you share their birth year and you or…

  • Living in the Moment with Momentia

    Momentia (rhymes with dementia) is an arts-based movement targeting persons with dementia and their care partners that “celebrates life in the moment.” It is a strengths-based grassroots movement to empower and energize those impacted by memory loss to remain connected and active in the community.

  • Memories from the Ewa Queen

    Born in ‘Ewa to plantation workers, Sadie Kaya had the best childhood ever. Her memory of growing up there is so strong today, at the age of 103, that she sang a childhood song to me: “Ewa is our happy home. Yes, yes, oh yes. Never from her shall we roam. No, no, oh no.…

  • WANTED: Election Day Volunteers

    The Office of Elections and county clerks of Hawai’i are looking for volunteers to help conduct the 2018 General Election on Tuesday, November 6. More than 4,000 volunteers are needed to fill various positions on Election Day which include assisting voters at the polling place, transporting election materials and supplies, and resolving inquiries from the…

  • YMCA Health & Fitness Day at Kahala Mall

    The YMCA’s National Senior Health & Fitness Day was enjoyed by many on Wednesday, May 30th, at the Kahala Mall. The YMCA thanked the Kahala Mall and Generations Magazine for their co-sponsorship of the day. A number of nonprofit organizations participated, as well as more than 30 Generations partners, who offered valuable information to seniors…