Category: April – May 2020

  • Utilizing the Over-50 Resource

    A Greek proverb says, “A society grows great when old people plant trees under whose shade they will never sit.” This is the basis for an expanding network that is harnessing the power of the over-50 age group. The demographic landscape has changed over time, requiring a paradigm shift regarding what we think and how…

  • Hot Hula Dance Moves for Seniors

    The HOT HULA fitness® Matua workout provides exhilarating exercise using Polynesian dance moves. Matua is a Māori word meaning elder or parent, so this fitness routine is geared to seniors, but can also be enjoyed by all age groups and fitness levels. Anyone who enjoys dancing and keeping fit can benefit from this exercise with…

  • Networking: Living Your Best Life!

    Do you recall in your younger days having lots of friends? Did you have so many that your social calendar always seemed full? As we age, our social network changes. Our friends may move away, enter careers that take us in different directions, or get busy with family activities. While our social network may look…

  • Springtime Safety Means No Emergencies

    Spring cleaning can be a satisfying experience for seniors, but it’s important to do it safely. Take your time, rest often and stay hydrated. Do not climb on furniture or a ladder. Ask for help. Staying safe is more than wearing an alert device. Work safely so you don’t have to activate it!

  • A Treasure Trove of Island History

    The Hawai‘i State Archives is a little-known, virtually untapped (by most of us) compilation of Hawai‘i’s history. It’s mission is to ensure open government by preserving and making accessible the historic records of state government and to partner with state agencies to manage their records. The division is organized into two branches — the Historical…

  • The Kula Shims: Contributions That Last

    The Shim family documents their genealogy to Emperor Hwang Ti, China’s first emperor, who began building the Great Wall. In the 1860s, Shims from Kwangtung Province across the China Sea from Hong Kong took advantage of agricultural and business opportunities in Kula, and worked hard to improve life in Upcountry Maui.

  • A Sweet Trip Down Memory Lane

    Jane Hiranaga volunteers as a greeter for her senior community at The Plaza Assisted Living at Waikīkī. She also organizes group outings to Mānoa Valley to visit her granddaughter, Erin Uehara, a specialty chocolatier and owner of the Choco Le‘a chocolate shop. “Who doesn’t love chocolate?” says Erin.

  • Keeping Siblings Civil During Stressful Times

    Even the most solid sibling dynamic can erupt into arguments when it comes to the health and welfare of beloved parents who are beginning to show signs of frailty.

  • Dentists Are Busy People

    Many patients wish they could enjoy their dentist’s company beyond a quick, customary greeting before their ability to speak is interrupted by the whirr of the drill. Like everyone else, dentists have families, hobbies, enjoy their favorite beverage, have bills to pay and look forward to having fun. And just like everyone else, “busy” is…

  • Alzheimer’s Research: The Science of Hope

    The vision of the Alzheimer’s Association is a world without Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. To realize this vision, we fund research to better diagnose, treat and ultimately cure the disease. In fact, we are the world’s largest nonprofit funder of dementia research. A few highlights of our progress…