Category: Articles

  • ‘We Never Talked About It’

    The patient is in a coma. The doctor at the hospital is asking, “What kind of care would your dad have wanted if he could speak?” Too often, the answer is “I wish I knew. We never talked about it.”

  • Smiling Faces at Moloka‘i’s Friendly Places

    Senior programs on Moloka‘i are provided by a wide range of nonprofits. There is no designated “senior center,” but a number of facilities welcome program providers. The Moloka‘i Rural Health Community Association (MRHCA) is one such provider. Its Kupuna Program was established post-COVID with funding from Maui County’s Office of Economic Development and Office on…

  • Preventing & Reporting Healthcare Fraud

    Prevention education is the best defense in the fight against healthcare fraud and abuse. When there is malicious intent to commit fraud, the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) gets involved and works with state and federal partners to report cases for investigation.

  • Increase Your Independence

    Do you ever find yourself having difficulty with routine tasks that you used to be able to do with ease? Making lunch? Brushing your hair? Reading a novel? Hearing the television? Assistive technology (AT) can help with all of these and more. AT can help with a variety of challenges: hearing, vision, communication, computer/phone access,…

  • The Importance of Senior Living

    Seniors may feel hesitant about making the move to a senior living community and believe the transition will come with a decrease in independence and quality of life. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

  • Eat Superfoods to Feed Your Brain

    It turns out you can feed your mind with food in addition to knowledge. Researchers have found superfoods for the brain that are part of what’s known as the MIND diet—Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.

  • The Key Ingredient for a Sweet Smile

    Sweets can be irresistible. We can easily succumb to scoops of ice cream, indulging in chocolates or falling for delectable cookies.

  • Diabetes’ Impact on Eye Health

    In the US, a staggering 34.2 million grapple with diabetes, marking a critical public health concern, particularly for older adults. This chronic condition impacting blood sugar levels significantly threatens seniors’ eye health. Elevated blood sugar can damage delicate retinal blood vessels, leading to diabetic retinopathy—a condition that, if left untreated, can result in vision impairment…

  • Train Your Brain

    Just like it’s important to maintain your physical health by adopting an in-home exercise regime, it is important to maintain your mental health by engaging in challenging activities that promote cognitive function. Changes in cognitive function are a natural part of aging. With time, your brain loses agility and can deteriorate further if you don’t…

  • Children’s Book Explores Dementia

    Frances H. Kakugawa, a Hawai‘i Island native, began writing poetry a half-century ago, then stopped for some years to work for the public school system. But when she became the primary caregiver for her mother, she found that writing poetry helped ease her stress.

  • Should You Insure Your Pet?

    If your pet is healthy, is pet insurance still necessary? The American Veterinary Association suggests pet insurance to defray costs, which can be around $250 for a simple treatment to over $8,000 if the condition is more serious. The over 85 million pet households in the US spend a whopping $75 billion on pet care…