Caregiving During COVID-19

As overwhelming as it may be, we have the responsibility to guide our loved ones through this difficult time. Here are a few tips to help our care partners continue to provide care, compassion and find time for self-restoration.

Ask your primary care physician for a telehealth appointment

Telehealth is a visit with your doctor or specialist powered by digital technologies. It allows us to experience the physician visit without the travel and unnecessary exposure. In today’s society, it is difficult and somewhat scary to book appointments in person and get a PLWD to and from the doctor’s office. As a resident care manager caring for six ku¯ puna, I’ve found that telehealth appointments are easily accessible while allowing our ku¯ puna to stay in the comfort of their home. We spoke directly to the doctor within 15 minutes and were able to have all our questions answered.

Learn how to use video call apps

FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting and any video call app will suffice for video calls. At this time, care homes are following strict CDC guidelines by decreasing visitations. Our residents and families are very understanding of these changes but also find it frustrating to be distant from each other. In lieu of regular in-person visits, we transitioned to scheduling Zoom meetings. All you’d need is a smartphone or laptop computer to allow you to have interaction with your loved one. Video calls, letters and phone calls are crucial to keeping our residents happy and fulfilled.

Make time to care for yourself

Everyone knows that you need to put your mask on before a child’s in a distressed airplane. The same concept applies to caregiving. Burnout will happen if you don’t take precautions. Find a relief care partner for a few hours and take a break. Go somewhere that helps relieve your stress. Go for a drive, read a book, listen to music, enjoy a cardio workout or go for a walk. Taking breaks is vital in order to give sufficient quality care to our loved ones.

Adult Residential Care Homes
808-233-4455 |


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