Author: Julie Moon, Physical Therapist

  • Rehab for Breast Cancer Recovery

    October is National Physical Therapy Month and National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Physical therapy may not be the first healthcare field that comes to mind when someone is undergoing cancer treatment, but physical therapists can play an integral role in promoting a speedy recovery and in assisting a return to previous levels of activity following…

  • Aquatic Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain

    If you are one of the 100 million Americans who experience chronic pain, know that physical therapy can be a safer alternative to potentially addictive medications. Physical therapy plays a vital role in helping to manage and overcome chronic pain through proper strengthening and flexibility exercises, manual therapies, posture and body mechanics instruction.

  • Stepping Down Pain Free

    Knee pain while descending stairs is often due to the force on your kneecap (patella), which studies show is 3.5 X your body weight. If you weigh 140lbs, the force on your patella can be as much as 490lbs! That is a lot of stress on your knee, and the pain will be magnified if…

  • How to Climb Stairs Pain Free

    In our younger years we didn’t think twice about sprinting up and down steps. As we age, however, climbing a flight of stairs can often seem like scaling a mountainside due to limited mobility and pain. According to Harvard Health Publishing, the force on each knee is 2 – 3 times your body weight when you go…

  • 5 Healthy Valentine’s Day Ideas

    There is no better gift that you can give your loved one than taking care of your health and staying fit. Living well means that you will be able to enjoy your time together for decades to come.

  • Stretch Away Your Stress

    Adults of all generations, from millennials to baby boomers and “maturers,” struggle with managing stress. Life can often be chaotic. When we are stressed, the body releases hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This increases heart rate and blood pressure, and interferes with sleep, which is vital for body repair, restoration and emotional balance. When severely stressed,…

  • Tighten Your ‘Internal Belt’

    Core training is one of the most popular concepts in the field of fitness and physical therapy. Core stability training is often associated with strengthening your abdominal muscles — the “abs.” The ab muscles play a very important role, but the core also includes multiple muscles in the mid-lower back, pelvic floor, hips and buttocks. This ring…

  • Speed Healing with Aquatic Therapy

    By Julie Moon, Physical Therapist Back surgery is a serious procedure and often requires significant recovery time. Exercise is a critical part of healing, although during the post-operative stages, patients must be careful to avoid undue stress on the surgical site with certain activities, bending, lifting or twisting. The gentle environment of water allows patients…

  • Maximizing Mobility as We Age

    by Julie Moon, Physical Therapist HEALTH As we age, we lose flexibility, strength and balance, which affects our general health and mobility. The good news is therapeutic exercise can help improve mobility and function. Balance, flexibility and strength are essential to improve mobility and maintain independence. Poor balance increases the risk of falls and when…

  • Manage Diabetes with Aquatic Therapy

    Diabetes affects people in different ways, but those with type 2 diabetes frequently suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure and nervous system damage, including impaired sensation or pain in the hands and feet. Physical activity and keeping a healthy weight can help to manage the disease and prevent diabetic problems. Although walking may be…