ADRC Hawaii : Aging and Disability Resource Center

Access for Information on Aging, Health and Disability Resources

The Hawaii Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) includes a website and statewide single access phone number designed to make comprehensive information on aging, health and disability services readily available to seniors and disabled adults, as well as their caregivers. The State Executive Office on Aging has partnered with the Hawaii County Office of Aging, City and County of Honolulu Elderly Affairs Division, Maui County Office on Aging, County of Kauai Agency on Elderly Affairs, Hawaii Centers for Independent Living and the State Disability and Communication Access Board to establish the website and phone line at 643-2372 to offer comprehensive information to residents on every island.

Made possible through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, plus state and county funds, the ADRC can simplify the way Hawaii’s seniors, disabled adults and caregivers learn about and access information and services to improve their daily lives.

“These days many people are caring for their parents or loved ones while juggling work and family. We want to make a difference for Hawaii’s residents,” said Noemi Pendleton, Director of the State Executive Office on Aging. “Seniors, other adults with disabilities and those taking care of them are often frustrated by confusion and lack of information when they are making decisions about healthcare or other quality of life issues. Hawaii ADRC is unique in that it provides a central source for information and resources that can be trusted.”

The site connects each visitor to the resources specific to the county of their interest. Perhaps someone is inquiring about services in their own community, or needs help for a loved one who lives on another island. The ADRC provides a variety of resources such as frequently asked questions, “Browse our Library” pages, a list of agencies that can help, a community events calendar, guidance on how to apply for several kinds of assistance that may benefit seniors, adults with disabilities and their family caregivers, and more.

The statewide access phone line at 643-ADRC connects each caller to the ADRC’s operating agency in their own county. The TTY line is 643-0889.

For more information on the Hawaii Aging and Disability Resource Center call 643-ADRC (643-2372) or go to


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