You Need Skilled Nursing … What?

If you’re like most of us in Hawai‘i, you have no clue what “skilled nursing” means unless you have spent time in a Skilled Nursing and Rehab Facility (SNF). Some think it is the last stop, a depressing place where sick people go when they can no longer take care of themselves.

Shot of a physiotherapist using a resistance band to treat a patient in her office
A physiotherapist using a resistance band to treat a patient in her office

It’s true that there are sick people in SNFs, but do you know that an SNF’s goal is to provide hands-on complex rehabilitation with one thing in mind? To get the patient as back to normal as possible so that they can live a normal life. That’s the GOAL!

If you’ve broken a bone and need intensive rehab, or had a stroke and you aren’t quite ready for your home environment, your doctor will more than likely have you rehab at an SNF. You may learn how to walk again, strengthen muscles, and most likely practice normal skills like eye-and-hand coordination. SNFs specialize in complex care and rehab. Hundreds of folks get better and return home after spending time in an SNF. Don’t be afraid of an SNF. Keep your mind strong with one goal… to get well! You will be out of there in no time!


1900 Bachelot Street, Honolulu HI 96817
808-531-5302  |


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